Choose Your Seasonal Leadership Path

Empowering Effective Leadership ​in Early Care and Education Leaders!
Allowing YOU to thrive in YOUR current situation, and prepare for the next exciting season of YOUR life!

We believe that life and career seasons are not prescribed but are a choice. Let us help you achieve the season you want!

Choose your starting point and create a Professional Pathway into your next leadership season. Need help with creating a plan? We can us for a free webinar on how to plan for your next season!

Our Services

As leaders, we never want to stop growing in knowledge and in the development of our skills.
We also know that at times our leadership stages overlap. We provide support, training, coaching, and educational resources to help EC leaders achieve their leadership goals.





A little knowledge can go a long way...

The SP Blog Spot

Leaning into your Legacy Podcast

Tips and Challenges to equip you to lean into building a great legacy as an ECE leader!

A new podcast each week!

Training is an investment in your future...

SP Training Courses