Who is behind
Seasonal Pathway
and why should you
trust them?

The Founding Team

The Founding Team for Seasonal Pathways has close to 100 years of ECE experience. We've encountered and survived the Good,
the Bad, and the Ugly! The best thing about this team is that we are still learning and the team is continuing to grow. Our content experts are increasing and we are always looking for guests from the field. If you are interested in contributing,
use the contact form and let's talk!

girl holding purple and green camera toy
girl holding purple and green camera toy

Lindsey Walker
Advisory Board Member
& SME Emerging Leaders

Lindsey has a master's degree in music theory and has even preformed opera. she is married and has three small children. Lindsey opened Generation Child Care to provide a quality place for her child to grow and learn. Her passion is to provide the highest quality care for all children. In her free time she enjoys the mountains, being with her family, and all things musical.

Bobette Thompson
Chief People Officer
Bobette is President/CEO of Child Care Systems of America, Inc., an early education management and consulting company. In her 25 years in the industry, she has participated in the opening of 25 centers and consulted with numerous others. Bobette holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and CPA certification. She seeks to contribute to the industry by serving on state child and care committees and presenting at conferences. Bobette is past president of the Association for Early Learning Leaders. All company owned sites are accredited by the National Accreditation Commission.

Robin Stephenson, M.Ed.

Founder & CEO

Robin’s professional experience includes serving as a teacher and administrator; executive program leader; vice president; college instructor; entrepreneur and business owner. Her training and support of staff and specifically, women in leadership reaches throughout the United States, Canada, England, Romania, Hungary, The Philippines, Hong Kong, South America, and South Africa. Over the past 30 years, Robin has served on the board of directors for three national educational organizations. Her passion and legacy is to empower the next generations of women in leadership!

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woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall